The Freemasons at Northfield wanted to do something to support the local community when Anthony, one of the Directors mentioned that he and his family give to a local food bank each Christmas, thus the idea was born.
It started as a "bring in some food to the hall, and we'll drop it off" to "we've started a small 'Just Giving' page, should you wish to donate money"... and then it snowballed.
"We couldn't believe just how fast the donations came in and it's led us to already start thinking about next year. To be able to make this big a donation to help those in need really warms the heart" - Chris Phillips - Freemasons Hall Northfield, Chairman
A full team effort came into force with the hall Directors calling on people to come together and help in anyway possible. The first donation came flying in from the Province with the help of WBro. David Dey the Provincial Charity Steward with a huge £500 donation, swiftly followed by Northfield Lodge 5056 donating their Lodge meetings collection along with a donation from Pathfinder 8596 and then separate donations from Brethren, friends and family through the Just Giving page.
Suddenly the Brethren found themselves with a growing pile of donated food in the hall and an astonishing £1,600 to put towards what would be a super shopping trip.
WBro. Rich Macey then called on his contact at Makro to allow the Brethren a personal shopper in the form of the manager of the site Matt who guided them around making sure they got the best amount for their money whilst also making a donation of food towards the trip.
The van was kindly loaned for the day by WBro Chris' place of work

The Brethren then got to drive to the Northfield Community Partnership Food Bank to make the donation in preparation for N.C.P creating numerous food parcels to go out to those in need this season. Such was the donation that they couldn't spend all of the money and they now have plans to spend the remaining money to help the food bank in the new year once its reserves will have been depleted.
The Hall Directors can't thank enough to everyone that donated to make this happen and the planning for next year will have to begin earlier as the goal posts have been set only, hopefully, to be beaten!
