At the regular meeting of the Lodge of Saint George on the 17th of April 2024 there will be a presentation by: W. Bro. Doctor A. T. Robertson, PAGDC, entitled ‘Worcestershire Freemasons whom I have met.’
The lecture should be very interesting and informative to many brethren. Indeed the lecture is based on the thesis that W.Bro ROBERTSON submitted in order to obtain his Doctorate. You can tell from that the amount of hard work and the depth of knowledge that is required to obtain a Doctorate in the subject.
If you would wish to attend the meeting please contact W.Bro Jim Maguire on his e mail address of
Anybody wishing to attend is requested to be at Kings Heath Masonic Centre by 11.15 a.m
Dining will be available. The cost will be £23.00. It can be paid either on the day or prior to the meeting by B.A.C.S transfer, bank details can be obtained from Jim Maguire.