Thank you for your entry into the 2023 competition, and what a dilemma you posed to the judges. We have deliberated and finally we can announce the winners.
The overall winner of the main cup for 2023 is David Wilson with his entry "The Freemasons and the Triads - a Lesson from History".
The winner of the Brother's cup is Damon Lord for his entry "Illuminate - Bane of Freemasonry".
Congratulations to them specifically, but on behalf of the judges can we say a huge thank you to all the entrants that took part in the competition this year. We were sorry that we could not choose more winners.
The trophies will be awarded as part of the Worcestershire Installed Master's Lodge meeting on the 13th of May.
Our thoughts, in brief, were as follows.
Jonathan Swift - "Education is what survives". An excellent piece which deserves reprinting in the Worcestershire Source Magazine. And when all is stripped back, or taken away, all that remains is the education of the Man. And what better place to improve your education than as a Freemason?
Peter Jones - COVID19 and Freemasonry: a Personal Journey. An interesting look at the effects of Covid 19 on the man, his masonic journey, and reflected in society in general. The highs and lows, and the losses we all felt were experienced by this Nurse and Freemason. And who would have thought that all that PPE could have been cool!
Kevin Bryant - The Three Temples. Delivered with passion, this talk was a fascinating look at the history and problems of the building of the three temples, and would also make an excellent Royal Arch talk, being able to expand on some of the points which, of necessity, could not be done in a Lodge setting.
Charles Wilkinson - Important Characters in the First Three Degrees with special reference to the VSL. This talk followed that of the three temples and continued our look at the biblical characters.
Damon Lord - Illuminati: Bane of Freemasonry. Damon took us on a look at the history of that "society" and why they have nothing to do with Freemasonry, The talk was delivered in rhyme and involved the audience with the "chorus". A refreshing way to deliver the information to the audience.
Mike Grillage - Veiled in Allegory and Illustrated by Symbols. A look at the meaning of the sentence and the symbols in Freemasonry. An excellent lesson for the mason who has not had time to look further into the symbolism of the Craft.
David Wilson - 'The Freemasons and the Triads - A Lesson from History'. This should be filed under the category " You'll never believe it". Tracing the history of the now notorious Chinese "mafia" from its humble and righteous beginnings to its present-day persona as a criminal organisation. The parallels between Freemasonry and the "early" Triads was astonishing, as was its decline into a criminal organisation.
The formula this year for holding each leg of the competition at a Lodge Meeting proved remarkably successful, something we hope to repeat next year. If any lodge wishes to host the competition in April next year, please let us know.
It is hoped that the "Orators page" on the Provincial website will soon return as the Learning and Development page, and the details of how to contact the speakers should you wish to book them for your lodge or Chapter one evening, will be there.
Once again thank you to all the entrants who entertained and delighted us with some fascinating and thought-provoking talks.
See you Next Year!
Kerry J Parkes
Provincial "Orator" - Learning and Development Officer.
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