We want our next meeting to be a very special occasion! Ladies and families most welcome, so please join us if you can.
Friday 14th June 2024 at Freemasons' Hall, Kings Heath.
The next Regular Meeting of the Lodge will be a short business meeting, followed by a musical tribute to W.Bro. Charles Gwynn.
Mrs. Sylvia Gwynn will be the Guest of Honour. All Charitable Donations will be for MND Research.
Ladies and families are invited to dine (Dining at 7.30pm) (Tyler's toast 10.pm)
Prawn Cocktail
Roast Lamb Dinner
Fresh Fruit Salad
Special dietary requirements, please indicate to Bro.Secretary details and giving ample notice.
Cost: £26.00
BACS Sort Code: 20-82-70
Account: 40 67 01 03
Entertainment by W.Bro Cliff Bull, singer, accompanied by W.Bro David Lane at the piano.
All replies by 7th June to the Lodge Secretary, W.Bro Martin Lawrence.
We look forward to seeing you on Friday 14th June.
W.Bro. Irving Horne.